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super rare version of 1957 elvis album found!

WHEN RCA VICTOR STRUCK GOLD with Elvis in 1956, the only medium that mat­tered to the people most likely to buy his records was the 45 rpm single. In the first twelve months after signing Presley in No­vember 1955, the record com­pany re­leased an un­be­liev­able six­teen sin­gles in the United States! [Read more] “super rare version of 1957 elvis album found!”

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coming soon! a new series about elvis’ gold standard 45s


An all NEW se­ries of up­dated and rewritten ar­ti­cles about the Elvis Presley Gold Stan­dard Se­ries of 45 rpm sin­gles and EP albums!

NEW discogra­phies – NEW la­be­l­o­gra­phies – NEW photos of some re­ally rather rare records!

Plus an all NEW, up-to-date price guide!!! [Read more] “coming soon! a new series about elvis’ gold standard 45s”

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RCA introduced the EP album during the “battle of the speeds”

RCA’S FIRST “EP” WASN’T WHAT YOU THINK! Three years be­fore they signed Elvis Presley, RCA Victor in­tro­duced record-buyers to the 45 rpm, extended-play EP record. This new format was an ex­ten­sion of their 45 rpm single that had been launched in 1949. That format had been de­vised to sally forth into the mar­ket­place and do battle with Columbia’s 33rpm long-playing LP album. [Read more] “RCA introduced the EP album during the “battle of the speeds””

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from elvis on thomas street, memphis, tennessee

BY JAN­UARY 1968, a new Elvis single was suc­cessful if it merely reached the Top 40 and sold 300,000 copies. This was a far cry from three years be­fore when a new single reached the Top 20 and sold at least a half mil­lion copies. And that was a far cry from the dizzying heights of 1960 when a Presley hit sold in the millions!

[Read more] “from elvis on thomas street, memphis, tennessee”
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rca victor ads for elvis presley records in 1956

ELVIS PRESLEY OWNED 1956! That year he as­cended the heavens of pop­u­larity to be­come the most talked-about new per­son­ality in the last ten years of recorded music! By the end of the year, he had six #1 records on var­ious charts, sold more than 12,000,000 sin­gles, and was uni­ver­sally known, both de­ri­sively and af­fec­tion­ately, as “Elvis the Pelvis.” [Read more] “rca victor ads for elvis presley records in 1956”

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the world’s most famous and iconic rock & roll photograph

THE MOST ICONIC IMAGE in rock & roll his­tory was taken at the dawn of the gen­re’s rise to pop­u­larity. It is of a young Elvis Presley be­fore most of the world had even heard his name, let alone his music. He is on stage, legs spread, his body pulled back from his new Martin D-28 guitar. [Read more] “the world’s most famous and iconic rock & roll photograph”

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all the elvis sun EPs are bootleg EPs

THAT’S COR­RECT, all of the Elvis Sun EPs are bootleg EPs. For­tu­nately, most col­lec­tors seem to know that they are not le­git­i­mate, and few sellers ad­ver­tise them as any­thing other than boots. But they are nice looking records and most se­rious Elvis col­lec­tors own them, so if you have been looking into them and wanting some in­for­ma­tion, look no further! [Read more] “all the elvis sun EPs are bootleg EPs”

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the avid record collector’s price guide to A Touch Of Gold albums

HARD UP FOR NEW RE­LEASES while their cash cow was in the Army, in 1959-1960, RCA Victor is­sued three vol­umes of EP al­bums ti­tled A TOUCH OF GOLD. I had al­ways liked that title and had sub­se­quently used it as the title for my second Elvis Presley price guide. [Read more] “the avid record collector’s price guide to A Touch Of Gold albums”