Elvis RCAGoldRecord AllShookUp disc 600

rca’s regal in-house gold record award for “all shook up”

BE­FORE THERE WERE RIAA GOLD RECORDS, sim­ilar awards were presented to artists by their record com­pa­nies. Col­lec­tors dif­fer­en­tiate be­tween these two types of awards by re­fer­ring to com­pany awards as “in-house” whereas RIAA awards are “of­fi­cial.” While searching the in­ternet, I found an RCA Victor award for an Elvis record on the Rock­hurst Auc­tion website. [Read more] “rca’s regal in-house gold record award for “all shook up””

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elvis’ first number one hit record in england

BACK IN JAN­UARY, I was asked to an­swer a ques­tion on Quora: What was the first British #1 hit for Elvis Presley? My an­swer was short al­though not nec­es­sarily simple: I noted that some UK charts listed Heart­break Hotel as reaching #1 while others only placed it at #2. [Read more] “elvis’ first number one hit record in england”