cybill shepherd gives elvis a little heads up

Es­ti­mated reading time is 4 minutes.

MOTLEY NEWS IS A WEB­SITE that fea­tures cur­rent news, sto­ries of in­terest, humor, and photography—“a motley of what’s in the news today!” On May 24, 2012, they ran a fea­ture ti­tled “Wikipedia’s Lamest Edit Wars.” While the ar­ticle was un­cred­ited, all the an­swers given to the var­ious com­ments were cred­ited to Michelle at Motley News. So I am giving Michelle the by­line credit here as I dis­cuss the lovely, tal­ented, funny, and out­spoken Cy­bill Shepherd.

The ar­ticle opens with a state­ment: “I found this Wikipedia page to be very hu­morous, and many items de­bated re­ally had some valid points. Ba­si­cally, these are is­sues which been de­bated over and over again on what would be cor­rect for that Wiki page.”

Michelle then lists sev­eral other ques­tions that oc­cupy at least some wiki-editors’ thoughts:

 Is it ap­pro­priate to in­clude pic­tures of a taran­tula on a page about arachnophobia?

 Is J. K. Rowling’s last name pro­nounced “rolling” or does it rhyme with “howling”?

 Is it rel­e­vant that Bono plays the harmonica?

 Is it okay to men­tion the lack of Asian di­ver­sity on the House, M.D. tele­vi­sion show?

Other burning topics in­clude cow-tipping, some silly Star Wars stuff—and isn’t all of it silly anymore?—and at what age do pre-teens be­come pre-teens.


Elvis 1972 NYCPressConference 1000 1

Elvis an­swering ques­tions at the press con­fer­ence he gave at the New York Hilton prior to his ap­pearing at Madison Square Garden in June 1972.

Cybill gives Elvis a little heads up

I have had more than a few jaw-dropping ex­pe­ri­ences when con­sulting Wikipedia. So I con­tributed a com­ment to Michele’s article:

“A few years ago I looked up the Wiki bio page for Elvis Presley and found an un­be­liev­able entry: Ac­tress Cy­bill Shep­herd claimed that she in­tro­duced Elvis to the joys of oral sex in 1972. What? Read that again: Elvis Presley got his first blowjob six­teen years after his first million-seller!

I thought, ‘All of those women all of those years and not a taste?’

Are you kid­ding me? 


CybillShepherd close up color 1972

Did this gor­geous young woman di­vulge the wisdom of the ages to Elvis?

Does that mean that Ann-Margret was not, a gasp, a . . . you know? What’s a good eu­phemism? A flautist? And what about Priscilla? Or Grom­mett only knows how many others along the way?

Then I stopped ru­mi­nating on all of the beau­tiful women who lit­er­ally threw them­selves at the ol’ Pelvis, each ready willing able to do anything—anything!!!!—for the king and each and everyone with­holding her head-giving skills from him.

I stopped thinking that each and everyone blew it by not blowing it and thought, Why is this piece of drivel on this page?

Why is someone making me read this?


Ann Margret 1963 600

Was this gor­geous young woman clue­less the whole time she was with Elvis?

Why is a too forth­right Ms. Shep­herd (for whom I would crawl over a beach full of broken clam shells to be in­tro­duced to the joys of oral sex with) being made to look like a fool?

Who at Wikipedia made the de­ci­sion to in­clude this? Was this al­lowed in to make a point? Did someone there have a dry or sopho­moric or mor­dant sense of humor? Or was the point being that the Wiki team is in­ca­pable of ex­er­cising ed­i­to­rial control?


Elvis PriscillaPresley close up 1970 500

And where was this gor­geous young woman during all of this brouhaha?

Ho hum. All that aside, Wikipedia is an in­ter­esting site, valu­able, and a good source to launch any re­search on the net by pro­viding a general—and gen­er­ally accurate—background on thou­sands of subjects.

But, every now and then, when I least ex­pect, a wee thought pops into me wee head: ‘Did anyone ever get around to in­tro­ducing Ann-Margret to the joys of oral sex?’”

Yes, I know that Ms. Shep­herd was prob­ably re­fer­ring to Elvis being on the giving side in­stead of the re­ceiving, but that wouldn’t have been as much fun to write about. And I would have had to call into ques­tion the women in ques­tion for not wanting—Helle’s Belles, for not demanding!—some good lovin’ from E and that was not some­thing that I was about to do.

Be­sides, it was so easy to mis­take her words for a good ol’ bee-jay in the orig­inal Wikipedia article.

In 1972, Elvis and Cy­bill Shep­herd dated, and she in­sists she taught him to give head. Click To Tweet

CybillShepherd close up 1974 1500 1

FEA­TURED IMAGE: The photo at the top of this page of Cy­bill Shep­herd was taken in the early 1970s. Human be­ings don’t get much more beau­tiful than this. In an in­ter­view with Larry King in 2000, Cy­bill of­fered this un­so­licited ob­ser­va­tion: “I had some­body ask me a ques­tion just the other day, ‘Was Elvis some­what child­like?’ I said, ‘Well, in the best sense—he was bril­liant, he was funny, he was warm-hearted.’ I re­ally think that the drugs were the problem with Elvis Presley. Once I went back to Grace­land and could allow my­self to mourn the death of Elvis Presley, I also went back and found out that he was a very spir­i­tual man in ways I couldn’t ap­pre­ciate twenty-five years before.”


Elvis 1957 goldsuit standup 1000POST­SCRIP­TU­ALLY: This ar­ticle was orig­i­nally pub­lished in De­cember 2014 with a long, SEO-unfriendly URL and key­word. So I am re­posting it with more ap­pro­priate SEO data. Fi­nally, I ti­died up my choice of words from the com­ment I left on the Motley News site, re­placing a few crude terms with more palat­able words.


12 thoughts on “cybill shepherd gives elvis a little heads up”

  1. Of all the things I have been jealous of con­cerning Elvis ie fame.talent,good looks and lots of money being taught about oral sex from Cy­bill Shep­herd has just gone to the top of the list.

  2. Some­where (I’m thinking one of Stanley Booth’s es­says but I could be wrong) there’s a con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Sam Phillips and Elvis about how much Elvis was going to like going down on a woman (it was put more crudely). Elvis came back a few weeks later and told Mr. Phillips it had been every­thing he said it would be. Mr. Phillips asked who the lucky girl had been. “Na­talie Wood.”

    Best guess is that Elvis prob­ably en­joyed telling sweet young things they were the first he’d done this or that to...All very spir­i­tual of course. 

    Nice pix btw!

    • J

      Yeah, I kinda got the sense that Mr Presley might have been toying with Ms Shep­herd. If you look up “cy­bill shep­herd elvis pre­sely” on your browser, there’s quite a few sites with state­ments from her, or in­ter­views with her. When­ever Elvis comes up, she is very com­pli­men­tary and very kind.

      I was, ahem, coming of age and earning my spurs in the early ’70s, and I asked lots of ques­tions of older, more ex­pe­ri­enced guys. One of the ma­neu­vers that men used was to tell women that they were afraid they might be gay. Sup­pos­edly, this worked. It seems to fit in with telling each woman you’d never gone down “there” be­fore. We younger guys tended to be a bit more for­ward in our flirting . . .

      PS: Glad you liked the pictures—it ac­tu­ally took a while to find goo color photos from the needed time pe­riod of each of those gor­geous women!

  3. I am going to use that line that “I have never been down there be­fore” and see how it goes.I would hazard a guess that it will not work for me like it sup­pos­edly did for Elvis.Still worth a try.


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