elvis’ number ones and golden hits

SELLING ELVIS PRESLEY was never that dif­fi­cult. Even during his low pe­riods, each new record gen­er­ally sold hun­dreds of thou­sands of units (al­though few were number ones) while his back cat­alog sold mil­lions. Be­cause of that, RCA took Presley for granted and failed to issue quality com­pi­la­tions and prop­erly pro­mote the ones they did release. [Read more] “elvis’ number ones and golden hits”

elvis and the illuminating turntable

AN ELVIS REISSUE may be one of the rarest and most valu­able Elvis records of the past fifty years. Or, it may be an­other fake col­lectible de­serving no better status than that of a cleverly-made-yet-unnecessary bootleg. And it’s tied in with a fooked-up but very in­ter­esting pic­ture cover and—get this—an il­lu­mi­nating turntable! [Read more] “elvis and the illuminating turntable”

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was elvis wildly better in the ’68 comeback than in anything else?

BE­CAUSE I AM MORE FO­CUSED OF LATE and there­fore spending wildly better quality time with my blogs, I haven’t spent much time reading ques­tions on Quora—either those of a mu­sical or a po­lit­ical bent—and ab­sorbing the wealth of in­for­mative data that can be found there. (I say—that’s a joke, son‚ a joke.) [Read more] “was elvis wildly better in the ’68 comeback than in anything else?”

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rca victor’s “gold standard series” launched in 1955

RCA VIC­TOR’S “GOLD STAN­DARD SE­RIES” launched in 1955! The se­ries is known for keeping Elvis Presley records in print since 1958. Dozens of Presley num­bers went through as many as five major label de­signs, with many now selling for hun­dreds of dol­lars! But it was not con­ceived of as a resting place for Presley oldies. [Read more] “rca victor’s “gold standard series” launched in 1955”

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quora is an unreliable source of information about records

I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT WIKIPEDIA and why it is an un­re­li­able source of in­for­ma­tion about pop­ular music and records. It seems that every time I look up any­thing about music and records, I find er­rors. Most are fac­tual errors—titles, dates, cat­alog num­bers, etc.—while some re­flect the con­trib­u­tors not un­der­standing the topic under discussion. [Read more] “quora is an unreliable source of information about records”

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elvis still among best-selling artists of the century

SALES OF PHYS­ICAL COPIES OF AL­BUMS, both com­pact discs (CD) and good ol’ long-playing records (LP) cer­tainly ain’t what they used to be. MRC Data re­cently tal­lied up those sales and pro­vided the media with a Top 10 best-selling album artists of the first two decades of the 21st cen­tury. [Read more] “elvis still among best-selling artists of the century”

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elvis on collectables records discography and price guide

WHAT SE­RIES OF ELVIS SIN­GLES re­ceives even less at­ten­tion from col­lec­tors than the “new black” label Gold Stan­dard sin­gles from the late ’70s? The Col­lec­tables Records ti­tles! In fact, most Elvis col­lec­tors have dis­missed the idea of even adding Col­lec­tables 45s and LPs to their want-lists. [Read more] “elvis on collectables records discography and price guide”

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unusual elvis “touch of marble” picture sleeve found

FINDING A NEW ITEM TO COL­LECT in the world of Elvis records is a rather rare oc­cur­rence. After all, the man has been dead for more than forty years and RCA stopped mass-producing vinyl records more than twenty years ago. Nonethe­less, “new” things do ap­pear, such as a stash of un­usual pic­ture sleeves that re­cently turned up for sale on the internet. [Read more] “unusual elvis “touch of marble” picture sleeve found”

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elton john used to collect elvis bootleg albums

TO RAISE FUNDS FOR HIS AIDS CHARITY, Elton John sold his record col­lec­tion through a Sothe­by’s auc­tion in 1993. The col­lec­tion con­tained more than 70,000 items, in­cluding sin­gles, al­bums, 8-track tapes, cas­settes, and com­pact discs. Pro­ceeds from the sale went to the Elton John AIDS Foun­da­tion, which re­mains an on­going con­cern that has raised more than $400,000,000 over the past quarter-century. [Read more] “elton john used to collect elvis bootleg albums”